The last couple of days have been beautiful here in central Florida, with highs in the mid-80s and overnight lows in the upper 50s, and lots of blue sky. But a cold front is moving in and the next two days will only get up into the mid-60s, with overnight lows in the upper 30s. We’ve had a lot of wind coming in ahead of the cold front.
That means it will be good weather for staying home and writing. I had hoped to have the new issue of the Gypsy Journal done by now, but due to a scheduling snafu at Terry’s dentist’s office, she wound up with back-to-back appointments both Tuesday and Wednesday. Since the dentist’s office is on the other side of Orlando and the appointments were mid-afternoon, my schedule got off track. But I only have three pages to go, so it will still get done and to the printer on schedule sometime tomorrow.
When we got back to the campground, we stopped by for a visit with Margie Rodgers, a solo fulltimer friend of ours. Margie introduced us to two of her friends, also solo ladies, but you know how I am with names, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you who they were. But they were very nice and we had a fun visit, even if it was short.
Our friends Stu and Donna “Froggi” McNicol are here at the campground, so after we left Margie, we stopped at their fifth wheel for a visit and then the four of us went to dinner. Is there anything better than enjoying good food and good times with good friends? Stu and Donna are two of our favorite people and we love getting together with them. The only problem is I get tired just trying to keep up with all of their adventures! They just came back from a seven day cruise, next week Stu has a reunion with his pals from his working days as a firefighter, there are a couple more adventures planned in their near future, and in a few months they plan to ride the entire length of Route 66 on their motorcycles! I told Stu he should think about buying an RV and enjoying the slow paced life of a retired fulltimer!
Our condolences go out today to another fulltiming friend, Jim Guld from Geeks on Tour, whose father passed away yesterday. When they visited with us Monday, Jim had told us his dad was in hospice and they knew it wouldn’t be long. Rest in peace, Mr. Guld.
Yesterday I was featured on Shirley Bourget’s blog, where I shared some writing tips on her Buzz From The Best page. Thanks for your kind words Shirley, and for allowing me to be a part of your excellent series on tips for writers.
Thought For The Day – The only ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.
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